
Musings of Insanity 2

My idling mind stares into the deep blue evening sky. Should I do something more than just sitting on my ass waiting for life to arrive. Obviously that's not how it works. Only a fool would ever suggest that. And I have not yet been afflicted with such a level of ignorance.

But here I am still, waiting. Should I choose the path of inaction, would the karmic world condemn me? Probably I would be cursed to a paltry, tedious, and trite-filled life. Truthfully, some are destined to achieve much greatness while others (a far greater number, I imagine) are destined to languish in mediocrity (if they would be so lucky). I will let you, the reader, to surmise the faction to which I have sworn my undying allegiance.

But perhaps one day I will be awakened to my true senses and the world will finally make sense, with some semblance of conviction as illuminating as the early dawn's light. I will arise and strike with great vengeance, a vengeance against all material mundane that had before clouded my immature perceptions. I will see it, clearly outlined, the personification of my malaise and apprehensions. I will not hesitate for a moment as I reach out and do upon it great violence, a variety of act typically fit only for the lower animals. A tad self-destructive, but a necessary process that must be undertaken prior to any rebirth. And out of that weary, ravaged husk will arise the flaming magnificence of the phoenix, with burning passion coursing through its veins, ready to surge through all obstacles unabated to achieve its goals with the purest of conviction.

Well, that would be nice anyway ...

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